Sunday, 30 September 2012

Family & Maternity Shoot 9.29.12

Yesterday couldn't have been any more perfect.  The wind was settled, the sun was shining, and the skies were clear - absolutely ideal for a shoot.  Casey, Jordanne and Cheyenne were the models for the day and each of of them did a fantastic job!  Here are my favourite shots from the day!  :P

Saturday, 15 September 2012

photo finishes ...

I logged in today to do a quick post and was completely at shock when I saw my dashboard.  "366 views".  "How is that even possible?" I thought out loud to myself.  I've had this site up and running not even 1.5 months yet.  I have a personal blog that gets maybe 8 hits a month (lol).  interestingly enough, if you are viewing this right now... thank you. 

For the purpose of this entry, with fall around the corner, this is one of the busier photoshoot times.  One thing I like to make sure is that people are happy with they are getting and that they have options.  Here are some of my favourite photo finishes I like to use when editing a shoot.  Feel free to refer to these when booking with me.  (Although, I'm not gonna lie ... I LOVE it when people let me edit at my own discression!  It's the world I was born to live in. :P). 

Effect "A"

Effect "B"

Effect "C"

Effect "D"

Effect "E"

And for anyone interested in knowing ...

Currently I'm using photography as a fundraiser towards getting my pilot license.  As you can imagine, learning to fly is expensive.  Once I get my license, my goal is to volunteer for missionaries and non-profit organizations.  As scary as that seems to me now, I think that would be the most amazing thing ever!  Even if you are looking for a great gift idea, this isn't only affordable and fun, but you also get to know exactly what it is supporting and going towards.  I'm also considering taking nursing too after I get my license (need a flying nurse, anyone?  lol).  This goal seem's close to impossible finacially and time-management wise but if you're going to dream ... why not dream BIG?!  i'm willing to work hard to get there.  :p

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  My official photography website is at the right side of my page there.  Check it out!

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Tonia 9.04.12

Yesterday's shoot with long-time friend Tonia was almost a rain-out.  Luckly the sun was kind enough to make an appearance for just the perfect amount of time after our over due sushi date.  The river always seems to have the best background in the evening so that's where we ended up.  Not only did Tonia get to have a shoot, but I was able to get in on the deal as well (none of which photo's will show up here of course ;P).  Not bad, especially for only having about 45 minutes of tolerable sunlight left.  Here are some of my favourites: