Red dragonfly.
At first, I thought these were swimming tadpoles, then I realized they were baby catfish!
Mr. Turtle sunning his shell.
"I see you."
A reflection selfie. ;)
And more trails.
I was excited that I captured a photo of a humming bird. Then I returned home and reviewed the photos noticing that this was only a strang (furry) moth of some sort. Anyone know what kind?
These little guys scurry away pretty quickly so I was happy that one sat still long enough for me to capture its cuteness.
I crept across the wooden porch as quietly as possible hoping I would snap a shot of anything in their element. Clearly I did a great job as this raccoon tiptoed out from underneath my feet only 2 feet away (followed by its sibling). I almost pooped my pants especially when it turned and looked straight at me as I was making my get-away.